Thursday 6 April 2017

10 Things to Do Everyday

'Good habits are worth being fanatical about' - John Irving

We must continuously endeavour to improve our life style in order to make our everyday more productive. This does not require dramatic changes. Small changes in our habits can make a huge difference. As, we all know, its never too late to start. Nowadays, everyone is busy with their studies, assignments, office, targets, deadlines and what not. Hence, it becomes important to adopt good habits which are helpful in a long run and make us more efficient and productive. Good habits acts as a catalyst in achieving a good and healthy life. Therefore, here is a collection of 10 simple things to be done daily to improve the lifestyle.

  1. Drink lots of Water
    • This is nothing new, its a cliche. 'Drink lots and lots of water'- yes its crucial for our body. It boosts energy and flushes out toxins. It helps in weight loss and maintains youthful skin and healthy complexion. It relieves constipation and maintains healthy gut. Lack of water shows on face. You will feel tired and lethargic. Your skin lacks glow and become dry and itchy. Our body requires about 8 glasses of water daily to function properly. But the more water to take, the better for you. So just drink a glass of water right away.
  2. Exercise 
    • Exercise doesn't mean you have spend hours in the gym everyday. Its important to get involved in any physical activity. It could be a 15  minutes brisk walk in the park or 10 minutes jogging. You can also do stretching, yoga, cycling or simply play your favourite sports. Exercising relieves stress, energises the body, helps in weight loss and makes you active. It also controls blood sugar level and lowers the blood pressure. So, put your running shows on and get going.
  3. Make a 'To Do List' in the Morning 
    • Due to busy schedules, we often forget or don't find time for the important tasks we had to finish. So, everyday in the morning make a 'To do' list to have a more productive day. This might sound lame but once you get into the habit of writing it, your productivity will definitely increase. Work towards finishing all the points you have mentioned in the list. Also, this way, important tasks will not skip your mind and you will yourself feel efficient.
  4. Eat Healthy
    • Its quite easy to fall prey to mouth watering french fries, burgers, pizzas or donuts. But such treats are good once in a while. Its tough to eat healthy food all the time but once you get into the habit of eating it, it wont be tough at all. Include lots of green vegetables, fruits and salads in your diet. Get into the habit of eating fruits like an apple or a banana instead of eating chips or cookies as snacks. Try cooking healthy recipes. Pack a box full of fresh fruits and dry fruits as snacks for  office. This contributes to betterment of overall health.
  5. Praying & Meditation
    • As much as food is mandatory for a healthy body, prayer and meditation are needed for peaceful mind and soul. Devoting 15 minutes everyday to prayer or to reading Bible or any other religious book is important to have a peaceful mind. And when mind is peaceful, you start to enjoy life. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should be religious, you can even meditate for a few minutes everyday. Try to be better person than yesterday. Be thankful to God for all the blessings on you and your family.
  6. Watch TV or Listen to Music 
    • Entertainment is important for a happy life. Watching your favourite sitcom, news, movie, interview or simply listening to your favourite music for half an hour can totally change your mood and make you happy. If you feel you cannot find time dedicatedly for entertainment, then just listen to music while you are cooking or travelling.
  7. Take out time to make your Home tidy 
    • With busy schedules and office, its becomes tough to keep home upto date and tidy all the time. But it would be good if we can take out 15 minutes in the morning for making our house tidy. If not in the morning, do it when you return home after work. This small habit really helps in keeping you active and after all, your home says a lot about your personality.
  8. Stay away from Phone & Internet
    • This one habit is extremely tough for many of us. Nowadays, we are so dependent on internet and phones for everything. We cant leave our houses without phone. No matter how tough this might be but try not to touch your phone for at least an hour everyday. Instead read a book or  newspaper. Have a one-on-one conversation with your kids, parents, spouse or play with your pet. Do not let internet waste your time.
  9. Observe & Appreciate Good things in Others 
    • Always greet others with love and respect. Observe good things in others and appreciate them. Get rid of fault finding nature. If you do good to others, good thing will happen with you. 
  10. Analyse your Expenses
    • Analyse how much you are spending. Analyse if you are overspending or not spending at all even on the things you need. How much are you saving and are the savings enough for your plans which could be a holiday in a foreign destination or plan to buy a house or a new car. Such calculations tell you where you have to cut on your expenses.


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